When you create a website, you want people to visit it. It is important that you promote your website to increase traffic to it. The number of visitors to a website is considered as traffic. Link building is a way to get the word out there about your site. It gives better search ranking and traffic success. Link Building involves a set of strategies aimed at increasing the number of quality backlinks to a page.
What are Backlinks?
Back-links are links that are directed towards your website. The popularity and importance of a website is measured by the number of back-links. Search engines like Google give more credit to websites with quality back-links and list them in their top search results.
Back-links are also called inbound links. It is not enough to have many backlinks. What matters is the quality of back-links. The content of the site determines the quality of the link. Back-links from websites with related content are considered of high quality.
Here is a list of the best ways to create high quality backlinks:
Content Marketing is still a reliable strategy to get back-links. Unique content that gives useful information to the visitors always works. Content Marketing when applied in the right way, can add value to your online business and also bring back-links. Good quality content assures quality leads.
Links directing to your website can increase your traffic and earnings. False content and poorly written content can turn off your readers. Quality content can attract a lot of views who will like your site and link back to you.
Guest Posting:
One of the trending strategies is Guest Posting. The advantage of this method is that you can show your work elsewhere. Posting content on your blog can be beneficial but when you write content for others, you get a link and it increases the popularity of your website
You can find other bloggers who will be happy to post your content. Use the social media to find people who need guest posts. Write a series of content instead of a single post to get effective results. You can use the guest post bio for a link. Get creative and add a variety of bios to let people know you. People would like to guest post on your blog when you guest post for them. Don’t hesitate to allow them to write posts for your blog.
Email Outreach:
Email Outreach can be a slow process, but it works. When you send bulk emails you can get requests from people who would like to link back to you. Make sure that your email is compelling enough and that you are sending them to relevant sites and not your competitors. Your website must be worth linking back so it's important that you have quality content.
It is easy to find sites that can link back to you by checking other top relevant sites. You can also make Google searches to find sites related to yours.
Add to Directories:
Directory Submission is a process of adding your website to a web directory. This is a one of the basic strategies applied in web marketing. Submitting your website to Directories increases your link popularity and will get quality back-links to your site.
The process involves adding your site URL, description and keywords in the relevant category of the web directory. Go for directories that are old and those with a good PR. There are paid and free directories. For example, Directory World and All The Websites.
Get Edu Backlinks:
Posting on websites with the education suffix can give you quality links that improve your search results. Most of these sites have high authority as they have been on the web for quite some time and have many trusted sites linking to them. That it why the search engines give these domains more credit. Getting a back-link from these sites can be rewarding.
Host Expired Domains:
A lot of people found success by grabbing expired domains and using it for link building. As these sites already have back-links and content it is easy to get a good PR. Expired domains are those sites that have many links to other sites, but have not been updated for a long time. You have to do some searching for expired domains with a lot of links. The first step is to buy an expired domain and host it after adding some new content. The site will eventually get a good PR after a while.
Blog Reviews and Testimonials:
If your website offers products and services you can get high quality back-links with blog reviews. Find bloggers in your niche, who would like to review your products on their blogs.
If you like a product or service you can write a testimonial to that company and ask them to add it to their website. They will add your website link in the testimonial. This way you can get a quality link back to your site.
Website Feedback Sites:
Website Feedback Sites are a good option, especially if you have a start-up website and find it difficult to get a review from other review sites. There are many sites that can help you get a feedback to your site. This is a great way to get a do-follow link to your site. You have to submit your site along with a small description.
Audio Sharing for Quality Back-links:
Uploading audios to audio sharing sites is an easy way to get back-links. Most of these sites have good PageRanks so a backlink from them can help your site in getting a good position in the search engine results.
Sites like Sound Cloud, Band camp and Audio boo are audio sharing sites with high PR.
The Advantages of Infographics:
Info-graphics or information graphics are graphic visuals of information, data or knowledge that help you share complex information in a more clear and quick way.
Info-graphics can benefit your content marketing efforts. Visual content is more attractive than text-based content and it is easy for people to add and share this format on their website. You can get quality back-links from these sites that add your info-graphic.
Create a unique and creative info-graphic and share them on info-graphic sharing sites. You can also find bloggers in your niche and share your info-graphic as a guest post.
Some of the best info-graphic sharing sites are Info-graphic Reviews, Visually and Cool Info-graphics.
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